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Device and souvenir, chatham

Brief: to design two models - a souvenir of Chatham that describes one social/ environmental/ economical aspect of Chatham, and a device that allows for data to be collected at the Chatham Historic Dockyards.


For the souvenir I made a model that shows the divide between the town and the River Medway. For the device I made a waterwheel filtering system, which would move with the flow of the river and filter the river water.


1.0 - Orthographic drawings of the souvenir to understand its construction, size, and overall complexity.


2.0 - modelling the souvenir digitally to decide colour palette and gradient for the river.


3.0 - detailing the rivers construction, through a series of CAD drawings. Deciding where the high point of the tide will sit to determine its relationship with the town.


4.0 - final outcome for the souvenir, made out of MDF and painted. The souvenir depicts the divide between the River Medway and Chatham Town, reflecting the present day versus the extensive history and socio-economic dependance on the River. Also visually depicts the high and low tide of the river, which fluctuates through 6m.


5.0 - physical sketch model of the device idea, to understand how it would work, be constructed, and the dimensions required.


6.0 - Digital model of the device to the correct dimensions, and in exploded axonometric to understand the pieces required.


7.0 - The final outcome of the device and in motion. Tested in a small stream due to scale, the photos show the model successfully collecting floating debris from the water.

8.0 - The data collected from the device, separated to show the diversity of the collection. On a larger scale this would include plastic waste and other materials.

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